Tortuga en cautividad
En estos días, ha ingresado en nuestro hospital de fauna silvestre, CRFS COFIB Mallorca, un ejemplar de tortuga mora (T. graeca), que procedía de tenencia en cautividad. Tras la exploración del animal, vimos que tanto el caparazón como el plastrón eran anormalmente blandos, y en la radiografía pudimos confirmar el diagnóstico: osteopatía metabólica. Se trata […]
PRTR-UE Control of Invasive Species on the Balearic Islands 2022-2026
↓ DOWNLOAD ALL THE MATERIAL BELOW ↓ Objective: The safeguarding of native species and the restoration of vulnerable habitats, such as islands and islets. Actions: Detection of the presence of invaders Eradication of rats and snakes on islets with endangered fauna Elimination of invasive fauna Control of raccoons in Mallorca’s Serra de Tramuntana Creation of […]
Would you like to volunteer to monitor sea turtle nests in Cala Millor?
COFIB is looking for volunteers to monitor a nest in Cala Millor, where a loggerhead turtle (Caretta caretta) laid 82 eggs on July 7th. The process will be the same as for the nest on Can Pere Antoni Beach, which has been monitored since June 7th: a team of volunteers will work in shifts to […]
COFIB Participates in the XVII Luso-Spanish Congress of Herpetology and XXI Spanish Congress of Herpetology Held in Eivissa
The XVII Luso-Spanish Congress of Herpetology and XXI Spanish Congress of Herpetology were held last week in Santa Eulària des Riu, Eivissa, with the theme of ‘Biological Invasions in Islands’. COFIB presented three papers in poster format and one oral presentation. These explained the work of the Consorci per a la recuperació de la […]
CRFS Cofibma’s Educational Agenda for the 2022-2023 School Year Finishes This Week
The CRFS COFIB Ma offers different educational activities every year, including workshops and visits to the Mallorca recovery centre, which are fully subsidised by the Conselleria de Medi Ambient i Territori del Govern Balear. The activities are published in the environmental education resources guide that can be found on the CAIB Environmental Education Service […]
New Campaign Kicks Off to Raise Awareness of Loggerhead Turtle Nesting Sites in the Balearic Islands
COFIB’s marine fauna department is putting the final touches to the second edition of its campaign to raise awareness of loggerhead turtle (Caretta caretta) nesting sites in the Balearic Islands. From June 1, stickers will be placed across the island, including at beaches, information points, diving centres, tourist establishments, marinas and yacht clubs. The […]