The Bank of Remains of Island Species (BREI) was created in 2010 to conserve biological remains for research and education. It is a classified and preserved collection of samples of wild and exotic fauna, which is available free of charge to research centres, teachers, administration, etc. The work carried out at the BREI comprises the preparation, selection, conservation and classification of species and/or specimens according to scientific and conservation interest.
Much of this work is carried out thanks to the collaboration of volunteers and trainees (technical studies, veterinary school, biology, etc.).
The BREI currently has more than 2000 processed and classified samples of genetics, skin, feathers and bones, some of which have been sent to various entities and researchers. Some studies carried out on the samples have been published, while others are in the process of publication.
To use BREI material, it is necessary to comply with the regulations and obtain specific authorisation.
For more information, contact:
COFIB comprises several departments, each with a specific function.