COFIB Participates in the XVII Luso-Spanish Congress of Herpetology and XXI Spanish Congress of Herpetology Held in Eivissa

The XVII Luso-Spanish Congress of Herpetology and XXI Spanish Congress of Herpetology were held last week in Santa Eulària des Riu, Eivissa, with the theme of ‘Biological Invasions in Islands’.


COFIB presented three papers in poster format and one oral presentation. These explained the work of the Consorci per a la recuperació de la fauna de les Illes Balears (Consortium for the Recovery of Wildlife in the Balearic Islands) for the conservation of wild species, including tortoises by the CRFS COFIB Mallorca, sea turtles by the COFIB Department of Marine Wildlife, and the management of introduced and invasive species of trades which is carried out by COFIB’s Department of Wildlife Health and Control.


It is important to take part and that COFIB specialists share the results they have obtained over the years by with the scientific community in order to improve and compare the protocols and techniques used.


During the conference, numerous very productive scientific sessions and meetings were held.

Wildlife recovery centres Balearic Islands

Contact our wildlife recovery centres on each island.


COFIB wildlife recovery centre in Mallorca.

IBIZA Centre

COFIB wildlife recovery centre in Ibiza

Fauna Marine

MARINE wildlife recovery centre


COFIB wildlife recovery centre in Menorca


COFIB wildlife recovery centre in Formentera